EU's divisions on Gaza: Heading towards a change of tone?

This week, Euractiv’s Beyond the Byline podcast takes a look at the division sweeping across the EU amid mixed signals from officials on the Israel-Hamas war.
EU leaders held a virtual conference on Tuesday (17 October) to decide their common stance regarding the conflict that has exploded between Israel and Hamas in recent days. The talks came in the wake of criticism that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen overstepped her remit with her unequivocal support for Israel.
We asked Ricardo Borges de Castro, Associate Director and Head of Europe in the World Programme at the European Policy Centre, and Georgi Gotev, Euractiv’s Senior Editor, if the tone is changing - and what hope there is for a diplomatic solution to the war.
EU's divisions on Gaza: Heading towards a change of tone?
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