Fines on the unvaccinated and Merkel's 'biggest mistake'

This week our Beyond the Byline podcast focuses on the fines Austria and Greece are proposing against unvaccinated people, the reactions so far, and the exceptions. Oliver Noyan joins me from EURACTIV Germany to hear more on this story. We also talk about Donald Tusk's criticism of Angela Merkel's Nord Stream 2 deal with Russia, which the Polish politician called her "biggest mistake". To shed some light on this story, I spoke with Piotr Maciej Kaczynski, an expert of The Bronislaw Geremek Foundation in Warsaw.

This week our Beyond the Byline podcast focuses on the fines Austria and Greece are proposing against unvaccinated people, the reactions so far, and the exceptions. Oliver Noyan joins me from EURACTIV Germany to hear more on this story.

We also talk about Donald Tusk's criticism of Angela Merkel's Nord Stream 2 deal with Russia, which the Polish politician called her "biggest mistake". To shed some light on this story, I spoke with Piotr Maciej Kaczynski, an expert of The Bronislaw Geremek Foundation in Warsaw.
Fines on the unvaccinated and Merkel's 'biggest mistake'
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