President's health causes turmoil in Czechia and the EU reviews its economic governance

This week our Beyond the Byline podcast is “travelling” to Prague to talk about the political crisis in Czechia, where the health of its president, Miloš Zeman, is causing instability, while the electoral loss of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš means other political parties will have to form a new government. And returning to Brussels, we focus on the relaunch of the EU’s economic governance review. What are the Commissions targets, and what can the EU members expect?

This week our Beyond the Byline podcast is “travelling” to Prague to talk about the political crisis in Czechia, where the health of its president, Miloš Zeman, is causing instability, while the electoral loss of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš means other political parties will have to form a new government.

And returning to Brussels, we focus on the relaunch of the EU’s economic governance review. What are the Commissions targets, and what can the EU members expect?

President's health causes turmoil in Czechia and the EU reviews its economic governance
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