Russian invasion: How did we get here? And what are the next steps for the EU?
This week, our Beyond the Byline podcast focuses on the Russian invasion in Ukraine. How did we get to this point? What will European leaders decide in terms of sanctions? And - what does the future hold for relations between the West and Russia? I spoke with EURACTIV’s senior editor Georgi Gotev and EURACTIV’s reporter on Global Europe Alexandra Brzozowski to hear more.
We also spoke about the cancellation of Nord Stream 2 and what the last nail on its coffin was. To break down the main points of the repercussions I’m joined by EURACTIV’s Niko Kurmayer and Oliver Noyan.
This week, our Beyond the Byline podcast focuses on the Russian invasion in Ukraine. How did we get to this point? What will European leaders decide in terms of sanctions? And - what does the future hold for relations between the West and Russia? I spoke with EURACTIV’s senior editor Georgi Gotev and EURACTIV’s reporter on Global Europe Alexandra Brzozowski to hear more.
We also spoke about the cancellation of Nord Stream 2 and what the last nail on its coffin was. To break down the main points of the repercussions I’m joined by EURACTIV’s Niko Kurmayer and Oliver Noyan.